BEM Group is excited to unveil a new initiative that aims to foster collaboration and support among regional schools throughout NSW.

The newly introduced forum establishes a platform for educational organisations to enhance their project planning strategies and bring visionary ideas to life. This innovative forum, established under the banner of BEM Group's commitment to community engagement serves as a platform where schools can converge, exchange insights, and access expert guidance and real-world knowledge. Recognising the pivotal role educational spaces play in shaping future generations, BEM Group is committed to empowering schools with the knowledge and resources necessary for successful projects.

The day is focused on information sharing and will involve presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities.
The following topics will be explored:

  • How to start and plan your project and the value of project management support
  • Ensuring your school and surrounding communities feel engaged and meeting community engagement requirements
  • Establishing a project brief and designing an effective masterplan
  • The planning pathways for school infrastructure projects and how to navigate them
  • How to ensure your project is ‘funding ready’

BEM Groups initiative will pave the way for transformative change in how schools approach project planning endeavours.

The inaugural forum is scheduled to take place on the 18th of October 2023 and interested schools are encouraged to contact Angela Castle at BEM Group
on (02) 4040 0590 or